Active sky advanced fsx downloads

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I'm not asking for new products or updates forever. I understand developers moving on but I also understand loyalty to your previous consumer base. I'm suggesting I would consider it fair to continue with ASE updates of a period equal to the other products. I'm not suggesting HiFi should continue ASE, there does come a point you must expect one developer to be the first to jump ship. They have products out on the market and fully supported for FS9 as far as I am aware.

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If everybody stuck with FS9 and FSX would there be a problem?įSGRW and REX continue to provide what people don't want. It's not HiFi's fault, I am sure that Damian would love to provide service updates for ASE but that takes away from the development aspect of what currently people want. Blame all the users that want bigger and better. Unfortunately that is the way it is for developers, their bread and butter are in the sims that are developed today.

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I know how hard it is to walk away from years of enjoyment and all the money put into addons, been there myself.

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